If you are wondering what special qualities a normal bark or chip mulch needs to become a ‘play grade’ play chip, read on!
If you are installing a children’s playground from scratch, or if you have been tasked with refreshing the flooring of a playground, you will probably already know that there is a vast array of different products available.
If you are going down the natural route, you might have come across some lovely bark or wood chip solutions which are stated as ‘play grade’.
So, what is it that makes some wood chip products ‘play grade’, while others aren’t?
Any flooring surface which is used in a children’s playground must be certified as safe and comply with industry standards.
Although it may have the same appearance as a general purpose wood chip, play grade play chip has been rigorously tested in accordance with the industry standards for safety surfacing.
A play grade play chip will be manufactured or processed in such a way that it is safe for children to play on. It is usually screened to make sure the chips are of a similar size. There will be no chips which are too big and no dangerous shards of wood. It is also tested for critical fall heights, which is crucial for playgrounds.
Quite simply, general purpose wood chips do not undergo this testing and would therefore not meet the criteria required for a playground surface.